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Engineering Service, Inc.   »  News 

IBC has confirmed the return of the event after the pandemic for December 3rd in Amsterdam. The exhibition and conferences will take place in the RAI venue of the Dutch capital during three days. The partnership board of IBC has decided to move the event from the usual dates in September, due to assure the celebration of the show, as the vaccination process continues to advance.

“Following a period of industry consultation, the IBC Partnership Board has agreed that December is the best date in terms of safety and industry readiness to engage,” said IBC chief executive Michael Crimp, who also added: “Our conclusion is based on the results of the recent IBC exhibitor and visitor surveys and macro evidence of Europe opening up for business”

According to the company statement, these surveys revealed that two thirds of respondents said assurance of robust onsite health and safety protocols would encourage them to attend, with vaccination passport entry by far the most popular measure. The results also show that the majority of the attenders are confident to be vaccinated on Decemeber.

Crimp commented: “IBC’s primary focus is to deliver a safe and valuable event, and we believe the best way for us to achieve that is to take advantage of our opportunity to move the event to December.”


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