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Our projects

Group of TV channels «Business», «Business-Kiev», «Dobro-TV», «Ukrainian Fashion», «A-one»
Project development, hardware installation and launch of broadcast center.More information
TV Channel "Hockey"
"Turn-key" solution for TV Channel: project development, installation, stuff training and launching of the channel broadcasting, technical base. More information
TV Channel "TVi"
"Turn-key" solution for TV Channel: project development, installation, stuff training and launching of the channel broadcasting.

Телецентр ТВі: Ничего лишнего, но есть все что нужно. «Телерадіокур'єр» №1(61) 2009. pdf

ТВі: познавательный опыт старта. Марина Барановская "Телекритика" №1_2 (59_60) • січень_лютий 2009. pdf

TV channel "1+1"
Project development, installation and launching of the studio control room.
TV channel "СІТІ"
Project development, installation and launching of Dalet News Suite for VectorBox.
TV channel "1+1"
Full technical re-equipment of the 10-th cameras OB Van (outside broadcast vehicle) of the TV-Cannel 1+1.
TV channel "MTV Ukraine"
“Turn-key” solution of the TV Channel: project development, installation and launching of the channels broadcasting.
TV channel "Inter"
Official technical support of the 12 cameras OB Van.
TV channel "1+1"
Project development and installation of playout and transmission room.
TV channel "K1"
“Turn-key” solution of the TV Channel: project development, installation and launching of the channels broadcasting.
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4K camcorder
Panasonic AG-UX90
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   Developed by ROMART, 2007
15 Vavylovykh str., Kiev, 04060, Ukraine
Authorized service centre of Panasonic, Sony, JVC, Fujinon, Canon