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Production solutions and real-time graphics company Vizrt has announced a strengthening of its collaboration with EVS, provider of live video technology for broadcast and new media productions. The collaboration aims to deliver an out of the box solution for both ingest and automation-based playout.

Viz Mosart, Vizrt’s studio automation solution, provides broadcasters with control and flexibility for 24/7 operation playout in combination with the EVS XT and XS-series servers, and the new partnership provides further integration, extending support to the XS-NEO, EVS’s software-defined server, said the companies.

The collaboration aims to deliver an out of the box solution for both ingest and automation-based playout, with the new XS-NEO server streamlining workflows by enabling broadcasters to natively play multiple formats, including XDCam, and supporting play from local high-performance RAID disks or directly from a facility’s central storage.

“With the replacement of legacy “End of Life” Ingest and Playout systems remaining a key challenge for newsrooms today, having our software defined XS-NEO fully validated for Viz Mosart control brings smooth multi-format playout – including support for native XDCam – directly to the news operation,” said Christophe Wittevrongel, senior solutions manager at EVS.

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