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Panasonic released new Video Mixer Plug-in of the Media Production Suite. AW-SF400 enables easy subject keying regardless of the shooting location, and easy composition of various video materials, thus expanding of the range of your creative expressions.


1. AI Keying for Easy Video Composition Regardless of Location

Traditionally, dedicated equipment such as green backgrounds and lighting were required for chroma keying in which a captured person was composited with virtual background. AI Keying uses automatic image recognition to separate people from backgrounds, making it possible to perform chroma key-like compositions in conference rooms, classrooms and outdoors without any need for dedicated equipment. Using just a single PC, stunning video compositions can be created with surprising ease.

2. Simple, Flexible Video Production with intuitive GUI

Smart Switching function allows multiple composition patterns to be registered, selected and composed with the single click of a mouse. It also supports SDI, SRT and NDI input/output, making it easy and simple to produce videos from diverse materials. Also, linking a PTZ camera to a Panasonic wireless microphone enables voice-triggered auto switching on anyone speaking into the microphone.

There is a 30-day free trial available for Video Mixer Plug-in of Media Production Suite.


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