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Engineering Service, Inc.   »  News 

Vizrt has announced the release of Viz Pilot Edge 3.0 featuring a completely new user interface. It introduces centralized order management, offering improved useability, intelligent media search and Viz Arc control to speed up graphics creation and playout. Company points, the core of the redesign is improved navigation for users and enhanced functionality written using modern web technology (Vue, TypeScript), making Viz Pilot Edge more user-friendly, more responsive, and with a start-up time that is now up to 3x faster.

A brand-new streamlined interface

The layout has been streamlined and is optimized for different screen sizes so users can better focus on creating graphics. Navigation is also smoother and the search function now contains multiple tag filtering to further narrow down search results. Additionally, the preview window can be undocked.

Mayam Order Management

The new Order Management integration aims to requesting and managing images easily. Journalists can prep their templates with the relevant text and/or data and send an order directly to the Creative Department via Viz Pilot Edge.

User-friendly augmented reality and virtual reality workflows

Incorporating AR/VR into an automated rundown has been simplified with the ability to host the Viz Arc MOS plugin, the company points. Users can control AR/VR graphics in one unified interface and playout with a studio automation application such as Viz Mosart.  Furthermore, company says, there’s no disruption to workflows. Despite the extensive interface change, any template created in previous versions will continue to work seamlessly.

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