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Engineering Service, Inc.   »  News 

Ateme, the global leader in video compression, delivery, and streaming solutions with innovation at its core, announced today that its video processing and delivery products can now be purchased on Google Cloud Marketplace. The integration of Ateme on Google Cloud Marketplace expands the choices available to Google Cloud users seeking high-quality video delivery solutions.

Ateme products – which include sustainable technology systems and long-term video solutions in the cloud – are available on both public and private offer.

“In today’s ever-changing world of technology, Google Cloud understands the importance of continuous innovation and helps customers find solutions to their biggest challenges by allowing seamless cloud migration on Google Cloud Marketplace,” said Yohann Guilloux, VP Global Partnerships at Ateme. “We are very excited to be able to reach out to our customers using this infrastructure, providing greater choices in innovative end-to-end cloud video solutions.”

“Making high-quality video delivery solutions more sustainable is a top-of-mind business priority for organizations across industries today,” said Kip Schauer, Global Head of Media & Entertainment, Partnerships, Google Cloud. “We’re excited Ateme has launched their next generation of video compression and delivery solutions on Google Cloud to help broadcasters meet the growing global distribution demands for video content.”

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