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Sound Devices MixPre Series v1.53 firmware update for the MixPre-3, MixPre-6 and MixPre-10T is now available for download. The updated firmware v1.53 is an official release that provides performance improvements and multiple fixes for the MixPre series.

It is highly recommended that users of MixPre-3, MixPre-6 and MixPre-10T update to the latest version of firmware available as soon as possible.

Changes introduced MixPre Series v1.53 firmware update include


  • The MixPre-10T transport control's orange LED brightness is dimmed in stop mode to make it clearer when the unit is recording.
  • The Take List indicates which file is playing back by displaying it in green text.


  • Limiters were not always enabled when switching from Advanced to Basic Mode
  • Pans were not always correct after switching to Basic Mode from Advanced Mode with Inputs Linked.
  • If timecode backup time expired when the MixPre-10T was powered off, TOD timecode was incorrect when next powered on.  
  • Rare stuttering of audio during playback of some files
  • Audio crackling noise in headphones when turning HP encoder
  • Incorrect gain values when channels are MS linked
  • Sound Reports were not automatically copied to the USB thumbdrive (MixPre-10T only)
  • New Project Name was not retained after a power cycle if no files were recorded in that project
  • Long file names were not being displaying fully

Firmware v1.53 may be downloaded from the Sound Devices site.


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