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Engineering Service, Inc.   »  News 

Actus Digital will bring the latest innovations for its industry-standard compliance monitoring and media intelligence platform to the 2019 NAB Show, where the company will demonstrate how broadcasters and service providers (MVPD, OTT) can expertly manage multiple workflow tasks under the compliance umbrella from a single platform.

Rather than force customers to rely on disparate workflow components, the Actus Compliance and Logging Suite streamlines the recording and management of content, clips creation and content repurposing, export into one centralized, unified platform – adding a built-in multiviewer to monitor and analyze overall quality of service. Actus Digital adds value with competitive and ratings analysis tools to understand the performance element, with rich data and statistics that amplify media and business intelligence for customers.

The Actus Compliance and Logging Suite is a self-managed solution that is simple to deploy and integrate, requiring a minimum of rack space and power requirements for enhanced total cost of ownership.

“As the industry accelerates the migration to IP, Virtual machines and cloud workflows, there is a need to bring more advanced software toolsets and workflow tasks into a common, centralized solution,” said Raphael Renous, CTO, Actus Digital. “As we will communicate at NAB, we continue to enhance our platform in alignment with these trends and requirements, with the goal of helping our customers work more efficiently, optimize production and reduce costs.”

Renous points to the Actus Clip Factory that is another example of the company’s innovations in this direction, which addresses the growing need to manage content for social media consumption. “Clip Factory answers the call from our customers to create and export clips to all social media platforms instantly and simultaneously, quickly and cost-effectively.”


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