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Engineering Service, Inc.   »  News 

AEQ unveiled new high-density multi-channel audio codec Solaris. It will be exhibited at the NAB Show 2024 in Las Vegas.

Solaris is intended for multiple STL links, remote contributions and other broadcast applications. It can be purchased with eight bidirectional stereo channels and upgraded in groups of eight channels, to build up to 64 channels in a single 1RU 19-inch form factor.

Audio I/O is via IP using Dante (AES-67 compatible). Redundancy can be added with a second Ethernet port where required.

Audio coding algorithms include Opus in various flavors, G.722, G.711 and uncompressed PCM audio (16 bit). Several MPEG-4 AAC modes plus apt-X are available as licensed options.

Communications can be established using SIP, either server-based or serverless, or RTP.

Calls can be made manually, using an internal directory or from a list of prior calls per channel.

The unit can be controlled remotely using a Web interface that allows configuration and operation of the unit. Diagnostics tools are included such as Syslog, SNMP, CPU load and memory usage. AEQ plans to support integration with ControlPhoenix.

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