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LYNX Technik, provider of modular signal processing interfaces, announces that two versions of its greenMachine Testor configuration are now available: “Testor” and “Testor AV.”

The Testor is a best-in-class 4K/UHD, 12G, 3G, HD/SD SDI audio and video test signal generator application that runs on the award-winning greenMachine titan hardware. It’s an ideal troubleshooting #tool for technicians and engineers working in the field or in-studio applications.

When operating in UHD (4K) mode, Testor provides a single 12G SDI output and when switched to 3G mode it provides four independent 3G SDI test generators with individual pattern/logo and text overlay capability. A complete library of standard static and dynamic video test patterns is included, and user-defined signal patterns can also be uploaded if needed. Logos and text overlays can also be inserted into test signals for channel identification.

Testor AV is a new enhanced version of the basic Testor application, which adds a powerful audio/video delay analysis feature. The Testor AV includes a special AV timing measurement pattern which can be inserted into the system to be analyzed and then back into the Testor AV for measurement. It supports up to 64 audio channels with on-screen graphic visual AV delay measurements. Operators can easily confirm and identify mismatched AV timing and verify whether audio channels have been swapped.

The LynxCentraal software provides users with advanced control and graphic editing features in a familiar WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) environment. The complimentary software provides users with a preview capability to check and configure test signals, control outputs, format settings, and manage user-defined image and test pattern uploads.


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