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Chrosziel is pleased to announce the new Meta Mount, an E mount camera to PL mount lens adapter with electronic contacts for metadata communication and lens control.

Key Features:

  • Sony E Mount Camera to PL mount Lens
  • Electronic contacts for metadata communication and lens control
  • Lens metadata displayed in camera and recorded to file
  • Shimmable E Mount
  • Full focus/Iris/Zoom control on servo motor ENG lenses

The Chrosziel Meta Mount is a Sony E camera to PL lens “hot mount” adapter with metadata communication. Each mount has the required pin contacts necessary to transmit lens metadata through to the camera and conversely the contacts provide lens control through a 12-pin Hirose out connection to an ENG lens.

When the Meta Mount is used with cine lenses with LDS or Cooke /i Data the metadata such as iris setting, focus distance and zoom focal length are transmitted through the adapter and appear in the viewfinder, on the monitor and are recorded in the video file for use in post processing.

When the Meta Mount is used with an ENG servo motor-controlled broadcast lens the Focus/Iris/Zoom servo’s can be controlled through the camera and are compatible with the Sony FX9 / FX6 / FX3 hand grips, RCP or camera’s web GUI. This allows for easy and full control of an ENG broadcast lens through a Sony E mount camera. Additionally, the REC button of the ENG Servo Drive can be used to start the camera.

The Chrosziel Meta Mount is available for pre-order and is expected to begin shipping in late September. Please contact your preferred dealer to order.

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