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Engineering Service, Inc.   »  News 

Ateme will return to IBC in Amsterdam, from September 9th to 12th, to showcase its end-to-end solutions for video delivery – from contribution and media supply chain management all the way to the CDN – as well as its monetization options, including Dynamic Ad Insertion and 5G.

As a global leader in video compression, delivery and streaming solutions with innovation at its core, Ateme will demonstrate how it enables service and streaming providers to deliver a superior quality of experience on any screen, for live and video-on-demand services.  The company will showcase high-efficiency fixed wireless access alongside video delivery within stadiums and for in-car entertainment over 5G. Ateme will prove how its high-density technologies can streamline operations, boost the viewing experience, and slash the carbon footprint of video delivery.

“We could not be more excited about joining the industry once again at IBC 2022,” says Remi Beaudouin, Chief Strategy Officer at Ateme. “We plan a packed showcase illustrating how our end-to-end Cloud solutions really help our customers engage their audiences with smooth and flawless delivery, while generating new revenue flows. By owning and mastering the full technology stack of compression, packaging and streaming – and so all the server-side analytics associated with these – we are in a unique position to provide solutions that can dynamically deliver the best content experience. We look forward to welcoming everybody to our stand at IBC.”

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