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TVU Networks, a provider of cloud and IP-based live streaming solutions, said today that its live IP-based video broadcast transmitters, apps, and distribution platform were selected by China Global Television Network (CGTN) and other news providers to bring live coverage of the Ukraine-Russia conflict to millions of viewers worldwide.

Journalists from all over the world face the same challenges when delivering live, remote coverage on key developments from Ukraine. A rapidly changing situation on the ground, weak or unstable networks, and spotty signal coverage make it difficult to transmit live broadcast video from the places where live is needed most in Ukraine.

CGTN and its subsidiaries solved this problem using several TVU Networks solutions: TVU One mobile transmitters, the TVU Anywhere live-streaming app, and the TVU Grid scalable video switching, routing and distribution platform.

Hundreds of CGTN reporters entered the troubled region to bring up-to-the-minute updates to viewers across the globe. With one of the longest-lasting internal batteries available, TVU One live transmission portable backpacks provide journalists with plenty of time to capture and send the latest news from all over Russia and Ukraine.

TVU One said its advanced IS+ video transmission algorithm, HEVC and ability to aggregate multiple connections including cellular 3G/4G/LTE/5G, “help media organizations achieve broadcast-quality transmissions with virtually no latency from any location – including moving vehicles.”

CGTN paired the TVU One transmitters with the user-friendly TVU Anywhere mobile live-streaming app to ensure reporters can live stream broadcast-quality video using their smartphones, tablets, or laptops.

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