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Engineering Service, Inc.   »  News 

For the first time ever, NBC Sports will employ fully remote audio workflows for all its production of the Winter Games, with no audio consoles physically on-site at the event. NBC Sports will have four Calrec RP1 Remote Production cores in the International Broadcast Center (IBC) in Beijing to cover numerous studios. Full control for the IBC remote production cores will be provided on Artemis consoles based at NBC Sports’ International Broadcast Center in Stamford, Conn.

In addition, NBC Sports has installed four remote production units at four remote venues in Beijing. These will be connected over Dante to Artemis consoles in OB units in Stamford.

“Calrec’s support of our operation has been key to our audio successes during multiple productions of the Olympic Games,” said Malone. “NBC Sports have been strong users of their remote technologies, which are becoming even more important in today’s pandemic-related logistical problems and have been key to NBC Sports’ remote workflows for the past two Olympic Games.”

“Remote Production workflows are hitting the right notes for many of our customers as they assess the best way of working for specific live events,” said Letson. “We’re so pleased to be able to work with NBC Sports on their first ever fully-remote audio production of the event.”


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