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South African internet radio station Vibez.Live has moved into the digital realm with Calrec’s Type R for Radio. And takes advantages of its power, flexibility and sound quality.

The station, which launched two years ago, now has a six-fader, AoIP-based Type R with dual-layer functionality, which gives it extra faders at the touch of a button. Vibez.Live also added a Type R large soft panel with feature sets pre-loaded for more control.

John Badenhorst, Co-Founder and a Host at Vibez.Live, said, “Having used a variety of equipment for the first 18 months after we launched, including an analogue desk, we knew that we needed to upgrade to enhance our capabilities. We spoke to Wild & Marr about Calrec’s AoIP-based Type R for Radio system and were immediately impressed.”

Immediately after the switch, Vibez.Live’s online communication was flooded with listeners commenting on the great improvement in sound quality.

The Calrec Type R has a simple layout and a clear touch screen display. The sleek, compact design fits perfectly into the Vibez.Live studio environment, taking up less space while doing the job of a much bigger desk.


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