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LYNX Technik announced their first yellobrik rack controller. RCT 1012 useful to control, monitor and update up to 12 connected yellobriks via IP. Device provides centralized control for all yellobrik units via control software APPolo and the embedded yellobrik functionality.

The RCT 1012 is a compact one slot yellobrik module designed to combine the control of up to 12 yellobrik modules to an ethernet port. It is a one-stop solution for the management and control of several yellobriks in an easy, fast, and efficient manner without requiring an individual connection to each module for setting parameters or updating the firmware. All connected yellobrik modules are visible on the network remotely.

RCT 1012 automatically discovers the connected yellobrik modules and displays them in the device tree below the controller node. It allows bulk firmware updates of all the selected yellobrik modules and facilitates the configuration of all the connected yellobriks via the IP network.

RCT 1012, when mounted on an RFR 1000-1 rack frame, will provide status information of the primary and redundant power supply via 4 GPI contacts.

To manage and control yellobrik modules via RCT 1012, download and install APPolo Control System. RCT 1012 and the connected yellobrik modules cannot be configured or managed via yelloGUI.


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