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At the IBC 2019 Orban will unveil Optimod 8700i LT audio processor — a light version of the firm’s flagship Optimod 8700i. According to the company, the economical Optimod 8700i LT combines versatile five-band and two-band processing with various features of the 8700i. It supports both analog FM transmission and digital media including DAB+, HD Radio and streaming.

In addition, it provides functionalities such as the multipath mitigator phase corrector, which the company says, can reduce multipath distortion without compromising the stereo separation. The unit also features a subharmonic synthesizer so users can add modern-sounding bass punch to older recordings.

With dual redundant power supplies and safety bypass relays, the 8700i LT promises carefree 24/7 operation. Like the 8700i, the 8700i LT includes Orban’s MX limiter technology, which lowers distortion, improves transient punch, and minimizes preemphasis-induced high frequency loss.

Orban also offers an upgrade option where the 8700i LT can be transformed later into a full-featured 8700i. This upgrade includes a dual-redundant Dante AoIP interface with full AES67 support and a streaming monitor output. Additionally, the Xponential loudness algorithm will be added which brings hyper-compressed music back to life.

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