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Engineering Service, Inc.   »  News 

Clark Media’s new 53-foot production trailer, outfitted for native 4K UHD and HD productions, is equipped with Calrec Audio’s Artemis Light digital broadcast audio console as the centerpiece of its 5.1 mixing suite, the company announced today. The 5.1 mixing console offers the flexibility Clark needs to address a wide range of production needs.

The Artemis console provides the truck, which is designed for sports, breaking news, entertainment and award show coverage, with the flexibility needed to cover a wide variety of events, said Stephen Sharp, chief engineer at Clark Media.

“The I/O is very easy to configure,” he said. “Anyone who has ever used Calrec before will be very comfortable with it almost immediately.”

Ease of use was an important consideration for Clark Media when it made its choice about which console to employ. “The nice thing on the Calrec Artemis Light is the Hydra2, which provides us with a lot of I/O in a very small fiber box,” explained Sharp.

The small, compact Artemis Light provides 240 DSP channels in a 4U core. The 56-fader surface can handle the wide variety of productions the truck is called on to do.



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