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Announced at NAB 2015 Video Devices Pix-E5 monitor/recorder is now shipping and should be available at resellers shortly.

It’s an increasingly competitive market for small monitor/recorders, and Video Devices hope to stand out by offering ultra high quality ProRes 4444 XQ recording out of the box onto recording media they’re calling a SpeedDrive. These are mSATA solid-state drives that use a SATA connection to write data when connected to a Pix-E unit, and a USB interface to plug into your computer for file transfer. The drives are available as a 240GB complete unit or as bare caddies for you to add your own mSATA drive.

There’s no anamorphic desqueeze at launch and 4K support is only over HDMI (so no 4K Raw recording from the Sony FS700); but the 5″ size and high resolution screen could make this a useful companion to, say, a gimbal-mounted a7S or GH4. LUTS (Look up Tables) will be supported in a very soon to be release firmware v1.02. This should be within the next four weeks.

With 256GB drives this system has the potential to offer a more-budget friendly recording media than the competition. The Pix-E5 is showing a ship date of August 1.

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