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Engineering Service, Inc.   »  News 

Pixel Power has announced major enhancements to all of its product lines with the introduction of a new 64-bit hardware architecture and new version 10.0 software for all its systems. The new platform, which will make its first appearance at NAB 2014, will enhance the performance of all Pixel Power hardware products and provide the foundation for future feature enhancements on the company’s product roadmaps.

The new platform will become the standard for Pixel Power Clarity graphics creation and playout systems; BrandMaster master control systems; ChannelMaster channel-in-a-box systems; and LogoVision multi-channel playout devices. The new 64-bit platform provides important performance benefits including:
• Support for larger memory configurations to support demanding graphics requirements
• A new NVIDIA Tesla K-series GPU that permits more complex 3D scenes with real-time rendering.
• Use of the latest Intel Xeon processors to provide streamlined I/O processing.
• Application starts ups that are as much as four-times faster than their 32-bit counterparts.

Pixel Power will also introduce its new version 10.0 software at NAB. Version 10.0 delivers user interface enhancements to provide easier, faster graphics creation.

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