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Engineering Service, Inc.   »  News 

Dayang is showcasing the latest converged media solution during this year’s IBC. Unlike other offerings, our solution goes beyond the term ‘converge’. Our iChannel2 automation system & Fresco multi-viewer system are built on highly integrated hardware platforms. They can handle both the legacy AV signal & the popular IP stream. We are also demonstrating our new generation Replay & Studio Production system – ShuttleMaster. It offers all necessary features for live production, including multi-channel ingest/playback, high quality slow motion, as well as smooth transitions. All these splendid functions are integrated with our converged server platform.

The process of convergence means to change, to innovate, and ultimately, to create new value that does not exist before. And this undoubtedly benefits both firms and customers. “Converged media solution is attracting much more attention than ever before.”, said Mr. Luo Xiaoxiao, VP of Dayang Technology Development Inc. “Nowadays, the content distribution is no longer limited to TV broadcasting, but on new platforms like PCs, Mobile Phones, Tablets, etc. This situation has encouraged the cooperation between conventional broadcasters and New Media companies. It also stimulated the use of converged solution, in order to effectively manage, archive, and broadcast content for multiple application scenarios.”

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