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Simple R - the world's most compact solution for SD / HD multi-channel recording and instant replays with slow motion has introduced in Kiev.

Its size and weight (4.8 kg) is suitable for an airplane carry-on luggage. Simple R is an 8-channel system. It provides simultaneously: 3 recording video channels, high-speed full-frame search on all 3 recorded channels and playback of 2 channels with transition effects between them. The system utilizes industry-proven codecs: DVCPro 50 / DVCPro HD.

For the first time in multichannel recording practice Simple R storage is based on SSD drives. This allows it to operate in extremely harsh conditions, including at a high level of vibration.

Storage capacity permits recording of 33 hours in Full HD or 65 hours of broadcast quality SD video. It is also possible to increase storage by 2 or 4 times! Recorded video can be exported in NLE "native" format. Export is performed in MXF Quicktime containers using DVCPro 50 / DVCpro HD compression. This provides compatibility with Apple Final Cut, Adobe Premiere, Avid Media Composer and Grass Valley Edius. Export files can be stored on a network drive via Gigabit Ethernet or recorded on external hard drives, installed in a special dual disc rack, connected to the system through the USB 3.0 interface.

Among the unique Simple R features is recording function of 3 uncompressed Full HD 4:2:2 10 bit signals. During recording, in addition to multiviewer visualization, a separate Full HD video monitor can be attached to the system via HD SDI interface.Export of recorded video for editing is carried out in 10-bit uncompressed Quick Time (codec v210).

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