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Engineering Service, Inc.   »  Catalog   »  Cables and accessories   »  Switchcraft   »  Patchbays 

EZ Norm Bantam/TT Patchbay Series
EZ Norm TT Patchbays with Programmable Normals

The EZ Norm offers a simplified method for setting up and changing normals to a Bantam/TT patchbay. Simply remove the middle designation strip, and rotate the center cam, using a standard screwdriver. An audible "click" can be heard as you rotate from full normals to no normals to half normals. An opaque marking strip is included to conceal the normal position, if needed.
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MT48/MT52 Patchbay Series
The MT48/52K Patchbay Series offers the end user a rugged cable tray to support rear cabling. Also available is the normals strapped configuration which has the shunts or normals tied together, top to bottom jacks.
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TTP96AS Bantam/TT Patchbay Series
The TTP96AS Patchbay Series offers the end user a rugged cable tray to support rear cabling.
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VPP 424M High Definition Series
The VPP Series video patchbays offer a wide variety of options for video patching. The HD Series exceeds SMPTE 292M and SMPTE 424M specifications for high definition video signaling, covering a bandwidth range from DC to 3.0GHz. Available in either terminated or non-terminated, 24 or 26 jacks, 1.75" or 3.5" heights.
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VAP Video/Audio Series
The VAP Series combines audio and video in one convenient patchbay. Standard versions consist of 13 video jacks and 26 long-frame audio jacks into one unit. HD Series video jacks are rated from DC to 3.0GHz. Available in either terminated or non-terminated jacks. The MT Style audio jacks all have nickel-plated steel frames and gold-plated switching contacts. Flared terminals make soldering easier. All audio jacks are T, R, S, TN, and RN. Individual modules are useful for custom configurations.
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